COVID-19 Resources


A Report by Sub-Working Group 1 (SWG1) of the ad hoc Working Group (WG) on COVID-19 of the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS)

In this report, the following questions are considered: A. What are the salient characteristics of the current pandemic? B. What have been the deficiencies in our combating it to date? What response is needed, so that we mitigate it more drastically and possibly eradicate this and future pandemics caused by respiratory pathogens?

This Report is addressed primarily to physicians of all specialties, all UEMS Sections, National Medical Associations, national civil services involved in preventive health activities, Ministries of Health, Labour and Health in European countries, European Medical Associations, the European Union (EU) Council of Ministers, the European Commission, the European Parliament, the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, the Council of Europe, the WHO, the ILO, the UNESCO.

COVID-19 return to work in the roadmap out of lockdown: guidelines for workers, employers and health practitioners (MARCH 25, 2021)

The University of Glasgow and the Society of Occupational Medicine developed these COVID-19 return to work guidelines which, for the first time, take into account community prevalence, vaccination status and previous COVID-19 infection in the risk assessment. There are multiple factors to consider in the COVID-19 return to work risk assessment, including community infection levels, individual vulnerability, workplace/commute transmission risk, workers' concerns/expectations and more recently, vaccination and previous COVID-19 infection. This guide describes these factors and presents a simple stepwise approach to inform decisions and facilitate safe return to work.

ACOEM Webinar: Post COVID Syndrome: Past, Present, Our Future (February 9, 2021)

This webinar reviewed of the history of coronavirus post-viral syndromes, including outcomes and presentations from SARS and MERS. The most recent presentations and work on post-COVID syndrome (PCS), as well as early treatment modalities at the Mayo Clinic was also examined. In addition, the important impact of PCS on work and the important role occupational medicine will have in managing this condition was discussed.

COVID-19 return to work guide: For managers (2021)

This document from the Society of Occupational Medicine offers guidance from occupational health (OH) professionals on how managers can support workers to get back to work with ongoing symptoms following COVID-19 infection and Long COVID.

COVID-19 Return to Work Guide for Recovering Workers (2021)

This document from the Society of Occupational Medicine provides guidance for workers from occupational health professionals on how to manage getting back to work after COVID-19 infection and Long COVID.

WHO and ILO Joint Interim Guidance COVID-19: Occupational health and safety for health workers (February 2, 2021)

This guidance provides specific measures to protect occupational health and safety of health workers and highlights the duties, rights and responsibilities for health and safety at work in the context of COVID-19.

Joint IOGP-IPIECA Position on COVID-19 vaccines (February 2021)

Since late 2020, several COVID-19 vaccines have been approved by regulators in many countries. This document aims to help companies understand these developments, provide guidance for company policy development, and offer an assessment of the expected impact vaccines will have on the course of the pandemic.

COVID-19 and Risk Summit (Novemeber 10, 2020)

The Society and Faculty of Occupational Medicine, with the University of Glasgow, hosted a Summit on COVID-19 and Risk. The event brought together global academic, public health and scientific experts to address questions such as:

  • Does unemployment create a bigger societal risk to health than COVID-19?

  • Are scientific approaches to individual and societal risk to COVID-19 challengeable?

  • What long-term approach to risk should medical leaders take to the public?

  • Do people understand risk and what level of risk can we afford?

View recording and write up from the event.

IOMSC Global Insights Webinar: How Health Care Worker Safety Impacts Patient Safety During The Pandemic Era (September 21, 2020)

This webinar addressed the challenges and risks facing health care workers (HCWs) during COVID-19, including work-related infections, violence, stigma, psychological and emotional disturbances, illness, and even death. Several countries presented examples on how they address and implement strategies to promote the safety and health of HCWs. View the recording.

IOMSC Global Insights Webinar: Mental and Emotional Health in the Health care Workforce During the COVID-19 Pandemic Era: A Global Perspective (June 18, 2020)

Many physicians and leaders of health care organizations are unaware of the available program resources and successful frameworks to implement effective mental health and resiliency training strategies for addressing the rise in mental health issues among health care workers (HCWs). This session will address the growing impact of mental/emotional health issues on HCWs, from a global perspective. We will share examples from several countries (US, Australia, UK, etc.) on how they are implementing strategies for preventing mental illnesses and developing health care worksite programs to promote mental health, wellbeing, and resiliency. View the recording.

What should be done to support the mental health of healthcare staff treating COVID-19 patients?

There is an urgent need to provide evidence-based well-being and mental health support for front-line clinical staff managing the COVID-19 pandemic who are at risk of moral injury and mental illness. We describe the evidence base for a tiered model of care, and practical steps on its implementation. (Tracy DK, Tarn M, Eldridge R, Cooke J, Calder JDF, Greenberg N. Br J Psychiatry. 2020; doi: 10.1192/bjp.2020.109.)

SOCIETY FOR OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE: Returning to the workplace after the COVID-19 lockdown - A toolkit (MAY 2020)

View document here.

SOCIETY FOR OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE: COVID-19 return to work guide For health professionals advising patients and employers (MAY 2020)

In the current COVID-19 pandemic, clinicians in many settings may be asked to provide guidance on return to work for individuals. Clinicians will need to take into account the COVID-19 infection risk arising from underlying health conditions (i.e., medical/clinical vulnerability) as well as the individual’s workplace, work activities and work environment. This document describes a stepwise approach to assist clinicians in providing such guidance. View document here.

Supporting Clinician Well-Being During COVID-19 Webinar (May 7, 2020)

View slides and recording from the National Academy of Medicine’s webinar (a) describing the existing clinician burnout crisis prior to the COVID-19 pandemic and the goals of the Action Collaborative on Clinician Well-Being and Resilience, (b) identifying the critical needs and priorities to support the well-being of clinicians during the COVID-19 era, (c) spotlighting programs, resources, and leadership efforts currently underway to address and monitor the acute and long-term mental health and well-being of clinicians on the frontlines of COVID-19, and (4) voicing the need for a coordinated, national strategy to care for the acute and long-term health and well-being of frontline clinicians delivering health care during this public health crisis.

WHO EPI-WIN COVID-19 Immunity and Clinical Manifestations (MAY 1, 2020)

Access slides from this webinar on immunity.

IOGP-IPIECA Health Committee Statement on Returning to Workplaces (May 27, 2020)

This document provides IOGP and IPIECA members a list of factors to consider as they prepare workers to return to offices. Legal regulations from national and local authorities should always be followed, and the final decisions and plans should be complemented by a location-specific risk assessment.

WHO EPI-WIN UPDATE 23 on Diagnostics and Testing (APRIL 24, 2020)

This webinar from WHO EPI-WIN includes a focus on diagnostics and testing. Access recording and two slide sets.

Society of occupational Medicine: COVID-19 summary update (APRIL 20, 2020)

This document is a compilation of advice from a number of sources and is designed to help OH personnel in providing accurate and consistent advice to their patients and clients. Although this document will be kept under review and updated, it remains an individual responsibility to ensure advice given is up to date and accurate, so please check the weblinks on a regular basis.

WHO EPI-WIN Update 22 on “Solidarity Trials” (APRIL 16, 2020)

"Solidarity” is an international clinical trial to help find an effective treatment for COVID-19, launched by the World Health Organization and partners. The Solidarity Trial will compare four treatment options against standard of care, to assess their relative effectiveness against COVID-19. By enrolling patients in multiple countries, the Solidarity Trial aims to rapidly discover whether any of the drugs slow disease progression or improve survival. Other drugs can be added based on emerging evidence.

WHO/WPRO and China CDC Webinar: Protection of Health Workers in COVID-19: Lessons Learned from China (APRIL 16, 2020)

Access slides here.

Message from Executive Committee - COVID-19: Need for Occupational Medicine

During the COVID-19 pandemic, our healthcare workers are in urgent need of occupational health services and advice. Dr Peter Connaughton describes the challenges and the opportunities for occupational medicine.

iomsc global insights WEBINAR: Occupational Health Measures in the Preparedness and Response to COVID-19 at the Workplace (March 23, 2020)

This webinar provided an overview of WHO’s recommendations for preparedness and response to COVID‐19 at the workplace, as well as, perspectives from the United States and the corporate private sector. View now and access the slides and Q&A from the webinar.

Webinar: Informing Risk Assessment of those more Vulnerable to Infection by COVID-19

Access webinar recording here

WEBINAR: Remote Consultation - How to get a Useful Outcome when you are not face to face with the patient

Access webinar recording here

Society of occupational medicine: What should Occupational Health Professionals know about Mental Health and COVID-19?

During any healthcare crisis, such as the current COVID-19 pandemic, occupational health professionals may be exposed to substantially increased work levels as well as having to make challenging decisions in the face of great uncertainty. This information sheet will hopefully provide helpful information to help occupational health professionals as they navigate through this pandemic.