Our Impact
In working with our colleagues around the world, we recognize that the potential impact from the power of prevention can be profound – reducing the burden of risk and illness in individuals and populations, improving the health and productivity of work forces, enhancing the vitality of national economies and ultimately, helping make the world a healthier and safer place.
years serving occupational medicine professionals
occupational medicine societies as our members
countries represented in our membership
ARTISANAL and Small-scale Mining
NEBOSH has funded a project in which occupational medicine society members from Uganda, Zimbabwe, Colombia and Brazil will conduct research on artisanal small-scale mining to improve the health and safety of people who work and live in these mining communities. Read More
“We want people everywhere – especially governments, policy makers and employers – to understand the tremendous value occupational medicine physicians bring as we share the common goals of safeguarding and improving the health and well-being of people at work, enabling them to have more rewarding working lives.”
Dr. Richard Heron and Dr. Ron Loeppke / Co-Chairs, IOMSC
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